So I'm done with my 10-week challenge. Oh holy lord. I probably didn't commit myself quite as fully as I could have - I missed some classes here and there, and I wasn't crazy-strict with my food intake. They really didn't address it much, but I know some people in my class were cutting out sugar, carbs, alcohol, downing protein shots, etc. I'm sure that helped them pull some big numbers, but I know me. If I got too crazy, I'd gain all the weight back and then some.
I only lost four pounds over the 10 week course. I'm a little disappointed in the loss, but I did lose 11 inches overall, and improved my time holding the wall squat and the plank, and did four more push-ups than I did 10 weeks ago. The program really did focus more on strength than cardio.
I think the biggest success with this program is that it got me motivated again to exercise with some regularity. I was getting rather sloth-like over the winter months! I am officially signed up for my first 5k in three weeks, and have plans to sign up for more. I think it will be good to get more cardio in if I'm going to speed up this weight loss. My husband and I have been fast-walking, and one of these days I may just break into a jog and shock the hell out of everyone.
The other success has been in my eating. I mentioned previously that I'd stay within my alotted fat/calories/etc. all week, eating healthy foods, and then Sunday would be a free day. Knowing that if I forego a treat (or a binge) during the week, I can have it just a few days later, has helped me make some better choices. This past Sunday, I tried to tell myself in my head that I should eat something "naughty" because I could - and my head said, "Nah, no big deal, don't really feel like it". It was a whole new way of thinking about food for me. As if once I realized I really could eat something on Sunday, I gave myself permission, and those "naughty" foods started to lose some of their allure.
Hello! I really enjoyed reading your blog and was just wondering how you are doing (this is KristiKess from the Nest). I am struggling right now, but restarting with Weight Watchers tomorrow. I wish this journey was easier!