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Friday, January 27, 2012

Me Want Coooookie

I've been a little Slacky McSlackerton with my exercise this week.  I usually strive to do my two training sessions, plus yoga, plus at least two additional cardio sessions.  Well, I got my two training sessions in.  Work has been a little hectic, so where I usually get in the gym 15-20 minutes early and get some quality cardio time in, this week I skated in minutes before my session was supposed to start and dashed out right after it was done.  I skipped yoga because, quite frankly, I just didn't feel like it.  Then Wednesday I had to go right from work to a basketball game (husband's work function), and tonight my dear mother is coming to stay with us, so I'll be leaving right away after work to meet her.  I really need to commit to either a couple of good long walks, or some cardio at home this week. 

I do feel better about my diet this week.  Not perfect, but better.  I packed my lunch (I am the queen of buying lunch), resulting in nice, light but filling meals.  I made a delicious homemade minestrone, using whole grain pasta.  I've been doing pretty good...until today.  My husband came and met me for lunch, and after eating, we decided to take a walk around.  We happened to be passing my favorite cookie place, and I sure did order a half dozen delicious, warm cookies.  Of course I was buying to share with my co-workers, but a couple of people refused.  I've now eaten two - a butterscotch/oatmeal and a white chocolate chip.  There are now two more cookies staring at me from the bag.  I could easily pack those things in and feel miserable for the rest of the day (but feel so good for a few seconds while they were going down).  This is really a test!! 

In other diet news, I sent a few days of my food log to my trainer at her request.  I didn't send portion sizes, so she tried to estimate for herself.  Of the three days, she calculated two at about 1000 calories and the third at 1500.  I know these are lower than what I'm actually consuming, so boy was I was surprised when she said that 1500 was a good bit higher than what they'd like me to be eating.  What the what now?  Every source I've ever used has encouraged me to look at between 1800-2000.  Seriously, guys, I'm huge.  I burn a lot of calories just being.  If I ate less than 1500 calories a day, I think I would start to eat myself.  Well, I guess that would be one way to speed up the loss!  I know as I lose weight my intake goals will go down.  I get that.  This ain't my first rodeo.  But I'm really having trouble taking diet advice from this 95-pound girl.  Oh well...I guess she means well, and I feel confident that I know what I should be doing on my own.  It's just a matter of doing it.  Every day. 

On that note, here's my eating from yesterday...

Morningstar breakfast sandwich (pretty good, meat-free option - 270 calories and filling)
Iced tea

Panera 1/2 steak salad and black bean soup
Iced tea
Chocolate chip cookie

Homemade minestrone soup
Two thin slices cheddar cheese
Handful of rice crackers

Not a terrible day - actually pretty good until that cookie strolled in.  I had forgotten about him until I went to remember what I had, maybe that kicked off the cookie cravings today?  But hey, that cookie was free.  And I've never said no to a free cookie. 

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